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Varisation Sales Recruitment (VSR) Ltd


  • How we do it.  We can use any of the following recruitment methods either alone or in a combined approach, in order to find the ideal candidate for the position.  Furthermore VSR can tailor a specific recruitment programme to your request.   

  • Database Search.  Database searches are the most appropriate and fastest method when searching from a wide and sometimes varied skill set.  Within a short timescale we can carry out a comprehensive database search for suitable candidates.

  • Hunt.  Approaches are appropriate when there is an identified skills shortage.  As a result this method requires more time and a very thorough approach, with tailored parameters set and agreed to between VSR and clients. 

Our service includes but is not limited to:

  • Agreeing a list of possible target companies.
  • Approaching each potential candidate to establish their interest.
  • Conducting extensive pre-screening interviews.
  • Presenting a shortlist of the most appropriate candidates.


  • Collaboration Rec to Rec. VSR is willing to work alongside fellow recruitment agencies to attain shared goals including Searches and Interviewing of candidates.  This service maybe of particular interest to agencies that are geographically too far away to conduct their normal business and have no representative in the area.  Yes you can use Skype if you want to but consider the fact that a majority of business is still conducted face to face.  (If it ain't broke don't fix it!)


For further information on how we can help your business continue to succeed, please contact a VSR consultant on email: